Can You Microwave a Frozen Avocado? ( Yes, But Be Careful !! )

Yes, you can microwave a frozen avocado, it is perfectly safe. But, at the same time, avocado chunks get warm quickly in the microwave which can ruin their texture.

Generally, instructions are mentioned on the pre-packaged frozen avocado regarding the way it can be microwaved.

To defrost a frozen avocado in the microwave, select the defrost or low power setting and nuke at the interval of 30 seconds. This will thaw the frozen avocado.

A frozen avocado can also be thawed by keeping it on the counter for 1-2 hours or in the refrigerator where the frozen avocado has to be kept for 6-7 hours.

For making salad dressings, guacamole, and smoothies, frozen avocados can be used. The frozen avocado mustn’t be overheated in the microwave otherwise it can lead to a potential explosion.

can you microwave a frozen avocado

Some precautions should be taken while ripening a frozen avocado in the microwave:

  • Only the flesh of the avocado should be heated in the microwave.
  • While softening the unripe avocado in the microwave, flavor gets altered and it does not taste exactly same as naturally ripened avocado.
  • Before microwaving, the pit should be removed otherwise it will not allow heating of the fruit.
  • While heating the avocado in the microwave, prick the fruit otherwise it might explode during heating process.
  • Use a paper towel, microwave-safe plastic wrap, or parchment paper.

What does frozen avocado taste like?

Avocado is a popular and delicious fruit and is rich in vitamins and minerals. During the season, avocado can be eaten fresh but it can be stored as frozen to be used in the off-season.

Fresh avocado is creamy but frozen avocado tastes a little bit different from fresh. The texture is smooth and oily and you can feel a bit sour after taste. This is due to the ascorbic acid and citric acid used while preserving it. 

The best thing to make with a frozen avocado is smoothies, salad, desserts, and any dish with strong herbs and spices.

Even though the taste of frozen avocado is not the same as the fresh one, it is still easy to use due to the following reasons:

  • Frozen avocado is always ready to use.
  • There is no need to wash, dice, or peel the avocado.
  • When guacamole is made using frozen avocado along with salt and garlic, it tastes just like the guacamole made with fresh avocado.

How to quickly ripen an avocado in the microwave?

To quickly ripen an avocado in the microwave, follow the procedure:

  • Take a fork and prick the skin of the avocado. This will help the heat to vent out and prevent exploding of the fruit.
  • Put the avocado in the microwave and heat for 30 seconds on a low setting.
  • Remove the avocado from the microwave and use your finger to test the firmness of the fruit.
  • Continue this process at an interval of 30 seconds until the avocado is soft.

The ripening of the avocado occurs due to the ethylene gas released by it.

The other method to ripen an avocado in the microwave is –

  • Cut the avocado in half to remove the pit.
  • Wrap each half with a plastic wrap that is safe for the microwave.
  • Heat them in the microwave for 30 seconds on medium-high.
  • Check for the softness of the avocado. If they are not soft enough, repeat the procedure until desired softness is achieved.
  • Cool the avocado halves and unwrap them.

Do avocados explode in microwave?

Yes, avocado can explode in the microwave if it is wrapped tightly while heating in the microwave. The reason behind this is that ethylene gas and steam produced during heating get trapped inside the fruit which results in building pressure. Therefore, the skin of the avocado bursts open.

To avoid avocado from exploding in the microwave, the following measures should be taken:

  • Prick the skin of the avocado with a fork or knife 3-4 times so that gas, pressure, and steam vent out.
  • Cut the avocado in two halves and then remove the pit.

While microwaving avocado, you can face some potential risk, and therefore, it is important to be cautious and heat it at short intervals.

How to microwave avocado without turning brown?

Avocado is one fruit that takes an average dish to a new delicious level. Sometimes, you end up buying an unripe avocado and realize it after cutting it in two halves. At this stage, you need to ripen it and the quickest method to do it is microwaving.

But while doing it, avocado can turn brown as it contains an enzyme polyphenol oxidase which when exposed to air, changes the color of the fruit to brown. To avoid this, it is important to protect the fruit from oxygen exposure.

To microwave avocado without turning brown, you need to practice one of the methods mentioned below-

  1. After cutting the avocado into halves and removing the pit, apply the plastic wrap smoothly around the flesh and press it lightly in the place where the pit is removed so that a tight seal is formed.
  2. The second method is to apply a little lemon or lime juice across the flesh of the avocado after cutting it in half. Citrus fruits contain antioxidants that prevent oxygen from turning the fruit brown.
  3. Another method is to apply oil to the flesh of an avocado. This will create a barrier and the fruit can be prevented from getting brown.

Is it bad to microwave avocado?

It is not bad to microwave avocado as people prefer this method to ripen the fruit quickly.

When avocado is heated in a microwave, the flesh of the fruit gets softened but the taste will be like an unripe avocado as ethylene gas needed for ripening of any fruit, is not released when microwaved.

Also, avocado heated in a microwave lacks nutty, buttery, and creamy flavor which is present in a naturally ripened avocado. Due to this reason, many people avoid heating avocados in a microwave.

How to microwave an egg in avocados?

The avocado egg dish is tasty and healthy as it contains proteins and healthy fats and is Whole 30, Paleo, and low carb friendly.

The pairing of creamy avocado with eggs does something magical and you can have it at any time in breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

To microwave an egg in an avocado, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Hollow the avocados and crack an egg in them.
  • Add salt and pepper for seasoning.
  • Put them on a microwave-safe dish and run for 60-90 seconds.

Your avocado-baked egg is ready to eat. You can add toppings of your choice like bacon, tomatoes, green onions, etc. This will make an extremely delicious dish you will die for.


Since avocado is a seasonal fruit and you cannot find it throughout the year, you can store them by freezing. When these have to be used, you need to thaw them and the easiest way to do this is to microwave.

Microwaving a frozen avocado can be done within a few minutes and these can be used to make delicious smoothies, guacamole, and avocado toast.

Thus, after microwaving frozen avocado, you are always ready for a party.