Are Bamboo Plates Microwave Safe?

Are you planning to go organic? For this, you should begin from the kitchen. Swap all your utensils with bamboo plates and bowls as these are healthy and convenient both.

Well, everybody feels that since bamboo plates and bowls come with such durability, they should be microwave safe.

You should know that bamboo plates are not microwave safe. If the bamboo plates are microwaved, they will get damaged and their overall lifespan will be shortened.

The following changes occur when bamboo plates are microwaved:

Dry out

The microwave works by heating water molecules. In bamboo, water content is very less and these also dry out when bamboo containers are microwaved.

This will cause cracking of the plates and they become unstable. Due to this, it is recommended that you should oil bamboo containers regularly to prevent them from over-drying.


Warping is another issue that is faced by bamboo plates when microwaving. The bamboo fibers used to make bamboo plates are glued together. When the plates are heated in the microwave, the glue also gets heated up and gets melted. This will result in the warping of the plates.

To serve food on the bamboo plates, it is recommended to first heat the food in a microwave-safe container, then transfer it to the bamboo plates and serve.

Even if the bamboo plates are highly durable, only slightly warm food should be served in them. Food that is steaming hot soups and stews should be avoided.

As compared to other glass and plastic dinnerware, bamboo dishes require very minimal resources. The outer layer of the bamboo plant is the sheath which is collected when it falls off naturally as the plant matures.

This will cause no harm to the bamboo growth. The making of bamboo plates and bowls is a 100 percent chemical-free process. After collection of sheaths, it is soaked and boiled to clean dirt and remove cellulose.

Then, the sheaths are laminated into the desired thickness. Finally, these are pressed, molded, and finished to get a super-classy bamboo dinnerware.

Bamboo plates and bowls are preferred by a lot of people these days because of the following reasons-


These can be used for a long time and do not trap any odor of the food like others. It has the shielding property against bacteria as water never seeps into the bamboo structure and so bacteria never grow in them leading to food contamination.

Also, water resistance nature prevents warping or cracking of the bowls. Due to all these reasons, bamboo dinnerware can be used for a long duration.


Bamboo plates and bowls are made up of 100 percent organic material and while using them, you can be assured that you are not consuming any toxic chemicals with food.


Bamboo is rich in carbon and thus, it will be degraded in a few years, unlike plastics which take hundreds of years to decompose. Since bamboo produces 30 percent more oxygen as compared to other plants, carbon dioxide proportion in the environment is reduced.

It also reduces toxins, soil erosion, and water pollution in the environment. Thus, increasing the growth of bamboo plants is beneficial.

Lightweight and durable

The bamboo utensils are extremely lightweight. Thus, they can be easily carried during outdoor picnics and save you from the regret of polluting the environment by throwing a bulk of non-degradable disposable plates.

These have great strength and do not even break after an accidental dropping.

Can you microwave bamboo bowls?

No, you cannot microwave bamboo bowls as the heat from the microwave will cause drying, cracking, darkening, or even burning of bamboo bowls. Bamboo is a similar word to wood and so when it is microwaved, it can set on fire.

In simple words, it can be said that when a bamboo bowl is microwaved, the bowl can-

  • Crack
  • Warp
  • Become darker
  • Lose flexibility
  • Become fragile
  • Fall apart
  • Catch fire

For your home, bamboo bowls are practical additions that can be used as serving bowls or even salad bowls. It is essential to give proper care to them. After use, these should be hand washed immediately.

Also, they should be treated with a light coating of oil periodically to prevent them from drying out and cracking.

How long do bamboo plates last?

Bamboo plates are quite durable and may last long for about 1.5 to 2 years. You can even use them for a longer time when proper care is provided.

With use, water finds its way through the bamboo fibers and thus, some white spots are formed on the surface.

When you want your bamboo plates to decompose, you can toss them in the compost pile. These can decompose naturally as they are biodegradable.

To increase the longevity of bamboo plates, you must handle them with care. Applying the oil generously on the bamboo plates often saturates the layers, keeping the wood resilient and providing them with a natural luster.

Also, these should be hand washed with a soapy solution. Since these have naturally antibacterial and microbial properties, you need a soapy solution only.

Can bamboo go in the dishwasher?

No, bamboo cannot go in the dishwasher. The heat and harsh detergents used in the dishwasher can damage the bamboo plates and bowls. To clean them you must follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Take a mild dish soap or a pH-balanced soap to clean the bamboo utensils. In case some food gets stuck on this, use a cleaning cloth to remove them.
  2. Rinse the utensils in warm water. Pat dry with a clean cloth and then stand them in an upright position to complete the drying process.
  3. If the bamboo utensils start looking dry, re-hydrate them with mineral oil or bamboo-containing oil. For this, apply some drops of oil on the clean cloth and rub them all over the utensil.

Some recommendations:

  • After using, rinse the bamboo utensils immediately if possible.
  • Do not let the bamboo dish sit in water for a long time.
  • For cleaning dirty bamboo utensils, set a separate crock.

Is bamboo batting microwave safe?

Bamboo batting is eco-friendly and renewable as it depends on bamboo which is a naturally sustainable crop that does not rely on fertilizers or pesticides.

However, bamboo batting is not microwaved safely. It gets damaged and the life of the batting gets shortened when microwaved.

Only 100 percent cotton batting can be used in the microwave and it is advised not to use more than two layers of batting even at the seams. Also, while microwaving batting, it should be kept along with the food. Never use it without food.


Since bamboo plates are made up of fragile fibers, these cannot be used in the microwave. These are acid-safe and environment-friendly.

If you want to use your bamboo plates for a long time, do not microwave them. You should follow the instructions mentioned by the manufacturers while taking care of them.