Are Over the Range Microwave Mounting Brackets Universal?

An over-the-range microwave or OTR is the one that can be installed over the stove. This appliance frees up the counter space and results in the neat, streamlined look of the kitchen.

Most of the time, the over the range microwave comes with mounting brackets on which the appliance can be installed. By going through the template and instructions, one can easily install it.

However, people are often confused with the question: are over-the-range microwave mounting brackets universal? Well, the answer to this is NO, over the range microwave mounting brackets are not universal. It is designed by the manufacturer based on the model.

The mounting bracket is either provided along with the over-the-range microwave or it can be purchased separately. The configuration of each bracket is different to accommodate the hanging microwave securely.

are over the range microwave mounting brackets universal

With the help of the mounting brackets, templates and instructions, it becomes easy to install an over-the-range microwave and can be done within few hours.

The installing process of over the range microwave in the mounting bracket involves:

  1. Install the mounting bracket on the back wall.
  2. Drill the access holes in the upper cabinet to feed the electrical cord and the vent duct.
  3. Hook the oven onto the mounting bracket.
  4. Bolt the microwave in place through the bottom of the upper cabinet.
  5. The last step is to attach the ductwork and plug it into the microwave.

It is essential to mount the over the range microwave properly and support the weight of the microwave for which a cabinet and wall mounting should be included.

You must ensure that at least one of the screws is mounted on the stud. In case the holes do not line up with the stud, it is advised to use a toggle bolt that will provide support to the weight of the microwave.

In case the electrical outlet is not present in the space above or behind the microwave or the vent duct is not already in the sidewall or up through the roof, it is not advisable to do the installation yourself. You must call a professional for this.

Do over the range microwaves come with mounting brackets?

Yes, over the range microwaves come with mounting brackets. The mounting hardware includes a mounting bracket, exhaust bracket, and screws and this comes with OTR microwaves along with the top and rear templates and installation instructions.

All these things make the installation procedure simple and you can even do it yourself. While replacing an over-the-range microwave with a microwave of the same size, you need to measure the size of the cabinet opening.

Generally, if a 30 inches over-the-range microwave is replaced with another 30 inches microwave, the width of the appliance is the same and thus, the same cabinet opening would be suitable.

However, you should use the mounting bracket provided with the new microwave as it is specific to each model of the microwave. It is also required to use the new screws, bolts, and exhaust adapter.

Are microwave brackets interchangeable?

No, the microwave brackets are not interchangeable as each is provided with a different mounting bracket which is not the same and they cannot be interchanged. 

Each over-the-range microwave is provided with the mounting hardware along with the templates, and the installation instructions which make your work of installation easy.

The mounting bolts provided with the microwave are used to hold the microwave in place in the cabinet and are approximately 4 inches long.

Can you mount any microwave to the wall?

Yes, you can mount any microwave to the wall. Even a countertop microwave can be mounted on the wall to free up the kitchen space. In this way, you get more space for kitchen work.

If you have an over-the-range microwave, the mounting hardware will be provided along with it. But, if you want to mount a countertop microwave, you will need to have a microwave oven mounting kit that is available readily in the market.

In the mounting kit, a mounting plate is present which attaches to the bottom of the cabinet on which the microwave can be hung above the counter.

Mounting a microwave is associated with many benefits like-


It makes your kitchen stylish and looks great. It gives a modern look to the kitchen.


Using a mounted microwave is more convenient to use as while working in it, you do not have to bend down. Also, the microwave is at eye level which makes it easier for you to use the appliance.

Free up the counter space

The mounted microwave frees up space on the kitchen counter and therefore, you get more space in the kitchen to work.


This is another important aspect of the mounted microwave. If the microwave is kept on the kitchen counter, the space underneath it is difficult to clean as you need to move the appliance to do the cleaning. But this is not the case with a mounted microwave.

How much clearance is needed around a microwave?

To make your microwave function properly, it is important to have adequate air clearance on the top, rear, and side of the microwave. With this, there will be good circulation for the intake and discharge air vents.

Clearance required for countertop microwaves:

  • 3 inches of clearance on each side and the top.
  • In the rear, it should have a 1-inch clearance.
  • The front edge of the microwave should be at least 3 inches back on the counter or shelf to avoid accidental tipping.
  • Never place a microwave near a heat source.

Clearance required for the over-the-range microwave:

  • The mounting height should be 66 inches from the floor to the top of the unit. This will allow around 13 inches of space between the cooktop surface below and the bottom of the microwave.

Clearance required for hanging microwave that is mounted under a cabinet with an optional hanging kit:

  • 2 inches clearance is required on each side.
  • There should be 2 inches clearance underneath as well.

Can a microwave be mounted under a cabinet?

Yes, a microwave can be mounted under a cabinet. For this, you will require the right equipment and some basic carpentry skills.

When a microwave is mounted under a cabinet, your food preparation area gets an elegant look and you get more space to work.

To mount a microwave under the cabinet, follow these steps:

  1. Take the mounting bracket from the package and check if it fits properly in the microwave.
  2. Drill holes in the bottom of the cabinet and align them with the holes for the mounting bracket. If there is no template present, measure the distances and angles between the nuts on the bracket and do accordingly under the cabinet.
  3. Insert the bolts of the brackets into the bracket and tighten them.
  4. Based on the manufacturer’s instructions, install the microwave into the bracket.
  5. Plug the microwave in and to tie the extra cord, use the zip tie.
  6. Since there will be more mounting screws or nuts pushing through the bottom, put some liner on the lowest shelf of the cabinet. This will protect your food items and plates from the damage caused by the protruding hardware.


Over-the-range microwaves are preferred by many of us as they free up the kitchen counter space and give a neat look to the kitchen.

To mount them on the wall, a mounting bracket is required but it is not the same for every OTR microwave. Every OTR microwave is provided with its mounting bracket by the manufacturer.

Hope you get enough information about the requirements and clearance needed for an over-the-range microwave along with the information on the mounting bracket.