Can You Dry Salt in the Microwave? ( No, Here’s Why !! )

No, you cannot dry salt in the microwave as salt cannot absorb heat, and thus, the microwave radiation released can damage the appliance causing it to overheat within a few minutes.

Also, all water will be lost from the salt causing it to convert into solid blocks which are hard to break.

can you dry salt in the microwave

Can you microwave salt dough?

Yes, you can microwave salt dough. It is often done for the kids so that they can make toys out of it, especially Christmas ornaments that can be used to decorate. 

Making salt dough in a microwave is an easy method as compared to making it on a stove. You will require only three ingredients to make the salt dough which is non-toxic and easily available in the kitchen. These are salt, all-purpose flour and water.

To make salt dough, it is advised to use all-purpose flour and not self-raising flour as if it is used, the ornaments made from the salt dough will bubble up when you bake them. Salt used in it is normal table salt.

To make the salt dough in the microwave, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Add flour and salt in the ratio of 2:1 in a bowl and slowly add warm water as required. Knead it with your hands until dough is ready like that of bread dough or pizza dough. It should not be sticky.
  2. Once the dough is formed, roll the salt dough into shapes of your choice. You can use cookie cutters or tools to shape your salt dough creations.
  3. Make a hole in the salt dough ornaments before microwaving them if you want to hang your salt dough ornaments as decorations on the Christmas tree. To make a nice round hole, use a metal straw and push it through the pencil.
  4. Put a kitchen towel in the microwave and place all the salt dough ornaments on it.
  5. Microwave on high for 30 seconds on each side. If the shapes are still not hard, microwave for 10 seconds more. Repeat this process till it becomes hard but not brown. Try to avoid overcooking as this can lead to the cracking of ornaments.
  6. When ornaments are ready, kids can paint them according to their choice. These should be dried properly before use.

Can you microwave salt water?

Yes, you can microwave salt water as nothing bad happens when you heat or boil salt water in a microwave. 

Generally, it is not safe to microwave salt alone but when it is present in water or any solution, there is no harm in microwaving it.  It is found that when salt is added to the water and heated in the microwave, there is less effective heating.

Salt has sodium and chloride ions which when mixed in water, orient the water molecules around them and lessen their ability to adjust in the applied electric field generated by the microwaves. Thus, less heat is produced and so saltwater gets less heated.

Why does salt prevent eggs from exploding in microwave?

Microwaves cause a vibration of the water molecules present in the food due to which heat is produced and the food is cooked. Thus, foods that are high in water content get cooked more quickly as compared to others.

In eggs, yolk and egg white are mostly water. When the egg is boiled in a microwave, the microwaves pass through the shell due to which the yolk and egg white get superheated. This causes the building of the internal pressure inside the egg leading to its explosion.

When salt is added to the water in which the egg is kept for boiling in the microwave, superheating of eggs is prevented in two ways. First, salt ions partially block the microwaves and prevent them from reaching the egg.

Second, as compared to pure water, salt water gets heated slowly and the egg gets cooked gradually. These both will prevent the explosion of eggs in the microwave.

Method to boil eggs in a microwave with salt:

  1. Take a microwave-safe bowl and put 2-6 eggs in it.
  2. Cover the eggs with water at least ½ inch above the eggs.
  3. For 1 egg, add ½ teaspoon of salt. So, if there are 2 eggs, add 1 teaspoon of salt, and if there are more eggs, add salt accordingly.
  4. If there are 2 eggs, microwave for 4 minutes, 5 minutes for 4 eggs, and 6 minutes for 6 eggs.
  5. If you want boiled eggs with runny yolks, remove the hot eggs from the microwave and put them in a bowl of icy cold water.
  6. If you want eggs with firm yolk, let them stay in hot water inside the microwave for 2-3 more minutes after switching off the microwave.

Can I microwave Epsom salt?

Yes, you can microwave Epsom salt with ease with the following method:

Hot Epsom salt can be used to treat eczema, poison ivy and also acts as an exfoliant. When Epsom salt is mixed with water to form a saline solution, it helps in treating pains, aches and wounds.

For making Epsom salt water, add 1 cup of water for every 2 tablespoons of salt. After heating it, a compressor wrap can be made by soaking a cloth in this solution. This is very useful in treating wounds or rashes.


Salt is dry and brittle naturally but when it gets damp, it clumps up in the container. In this case, you will have to struggle a lot while trying to sprinkle a little seasoning over a dish.

However, if you want to dry salt in the microwave, it is not a good idea as the microwave heat released cannot be absorbed by the salt and it is reflected causing damage to the microwave.

Thus, to dry damp salt, it is better to add a drying agent to the container of salts like a few grains of uncooked rice, parsley leaves, or kidney beans.