How to Microwave Frozen Lasagna?

Lasagna is delicious food and often people make a generous amount of it at once and freeze it for later use.

To eat frozen lasagna, you will have to reheat it. In this article, we will discuss the method to microwave frozen lasagna.

Reheating frozen lasagna in a microwave is the most popular method and is a quick and easy method as well. With this method, you can get to eat tasty lasagna in no time at all.

Before microwaving frozen lasagne, you do not have to thaw it. Both thawing and reheating can be done by the microwave.

To microwave frozen lasagna, follow the steps. 

  1. Take a microwave-safe tray and put the frozen lasagna on it which is taken out from the freezer.
  2. Cover the tray with wax paper or plastic wrap which is safe to be used in the microwave. If this step is not done, you might have to clean the microwave thoroughly as sauce bubbles and splatters while reheating.
  3. First, you need to thaw the lasagna for which setting of the microwave should be converted to a defrosting option.
  4. Microwave the lasagna on a defrost setting for about 3-4 minutes. It may take a longer time if the tray is full.
  5. Set the microwave to full power when lasagna is defrosted.
  6. Check if the lasagna is warm enough and seems to be cooked. If not, microwave for 1 minute more. For a single serving, it normally takes 6-7 minutes to get reheated properly.
  7. At this time, lasagna is ready to be served. Take it out of the microwave and be careful as the tray can be hot. For precaution, always use an oven mitt.

Lasagna is the oldest pasta and Italian cuisine. Dough flour and eggs are used to make the sheets which are then boiled. These are then arranged in many thin layers with fillings of cheese, vegetables, seasonings, and spices along with sauces.

Frozen lasagna is of two types- unbaked and baked. Time taken to reheat frozen lasagna is different for these two types.

Tips to Follow While Microwaving Frozen Lasagna

  • Tray in which frozen lasagna is reheated in the microwave may be very hot and you may get burn in your hands if attention is not paid. It is advised to use oven mitts to take the tray out of the microwave once the process has been done.
  • Some of you may like the chewy texture of the lasagna when reheated in the oven. For this, after thawing in the microwave, transfer the tray of lasagna to the oven and cook.
  • If left, lasagna can be re-frozen and reheated again. For this, the leftover lasagna should be frozen in an air-tight container.
  • It is better to freeze lasagna in individual portions so that when you want to reheat, only one portion is done at a time. This saves time and prevents wastage of food.

How to reheat lasagna in microwave?

Reheating lasagna in the microwave is the most convenient, quickest, and easiest method. However, it may pop and explode in the microwave if lasagna is heated for a long time.

To reheat lasagna in a microwave, follow the steps:

  1. On a microwave-safe dish, place the lasagna. It is recommended to use a single serving but you can also place two servings. While doing so, ensure that the slices are not touching each other.
  2. To prevent lasagna from getting dry, add two tablespoons of water to the lasagna. It will help to keep it moist while reheating.
  3. In the middle of the lasagna piece, stick a toothpick and ensure that it sticks out a few inches. With this, the cover placed on the lasagna will not touch the food and the melting cheese will not stick on the cover.
  4. Use a paper towel or microwave-safe plastic wrap to cover the lasagna.
  5. Set the microwave on high power and run it for 90 seconds.
  6. Check if the lasagna is hot enough especially in the center.
  7. If not, reheat for 90 seconds more. Repeat this step until you get a perfected reheated lasagna. About 5-6 minutes will be required for this whole process.

How long to microwave frozen lasagna?

It takes 6-7 minutes to microwave frozen lasagna in one serving. However, if you need to defrost lasagna in a microwave for a family, time will differ. In this case, you may need 10 minutes or more to defrost completely. 

Time taken to microwave frozen lasagna also depends on the thickness of the lasagna. It will take more time if lasagna is thick.

The method to microwave frozen lasagna is already mentioned above. It is a full-proof method and by following it, you will get a perfectly hot delicious lasagna.

While microwaving frozen lasagna, you will get a warm dish without losing its nutritional value. Its soft, chewy texture, mouth-watering appearance, and delicious taste remain the same.

How to reheat frozen lasagna in oven?

Following are the steps to reheat frozen lasagna in an oven:

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and use upper-middle position to keep the oven rack.
  2. Wrap the lasagna with aluminum foil tightly and poke a hole to allow steam to escape.
  3. If the frozen lasagna is already thawed in the refrigerator, bake it for 30 minutes. If not, it will take 1- 1 ½ hours to completely get reheated.
  4. To check if the lasagna is heated perfectly, insert an instant-read thermometer in the center of the lasagna and the reading should be 160 degrees Fahrenheit. At this point, lasagna is completely reheated.
  5. Take the lasagna out of the oven, unwrap it, and serve hot.

How to microwave lasagna uncooked noodles?

To microwave lasagna uncooked noodles, you will need to spread these noodles in layers one on top of another after the layer of vegetables and cheese.

The top of the noodles should be covered with sauces and cheese. Cover the entire dish with a paper towel or microwavable plastic wrap.

Now, microwave it for 15-20 minutes on high. Once done, let the dish stand in the microwave for at least 10 minutes which will help to set lasagna. Now, take the dish out of the microwave, and serve hot.


Now, we hope you get to know how to microwave frozen lasagna? The method indicated in this article gives you success most of the time.

Just follow all the tips and instructions given above and get a delicious lasagna whenever you feel like having it. Enjoy perfectly warmed frozen lasagna in the microwave.