Can You Dry Socks in the Microwave? ( Plus 4 Options Without Microwave )

There may be some moments when you are in a super rush and you need to get ready but there are no clean socks to wear in your wardrobe. At that time, most of us will have a question, can you dry socks in the microwave?

Well, the answer to this is yes, you can dry socks in the microwave but don’t expect great results. It is okay to microwave socks that are 100% cotton as there is nothing metal or plastic in it.

On the other hand, socks that have a cotton or natural fiber blended with a synthetic fiber should not be microwaved as this will cause a change in the shape or size of the socks.

When socks with natural fiber are microwaved, you should be careful as socks might still be wet after coming out. Even if you have nuked them for a couple of minutes, you still get wet socks.

This is because the microwave does not dry clothes as the purpose of the microwave is not to dry things like a dryer but to heat the things kept in it.

It is believed by many of us that all the heat sources are the same as the work of each heat source is to dry things but that is not true. Thus, after microwaving the socks and wearing them, your feet may feel warm but the socks will also be wet.

At the same time, if the socks have an elastic belt, it is advised not to microwave it as it may get loosened up and the elastic has the tendency to catch fire to the cotton material.

can you dry socks in the microwave

Thus, we learn that you can dry socks in the microwave but you will not get the expected results, and also, it is not advised to do so as it can distort the shape of the socks.

How do you dry socks quickly?

If you have to go out urgently, like for a meeting in an hour and you have only 1 pair of socks that have got out of the washing machine and are wet, you have to figure out how to dry socks quickly.

Given below are the different methods to dry socks which can take from 3 to 60 minutes:

1. In a radiator

It is winter and if the central heating is on, squeeze them properly and put the socks on the radiator. Ensure that the socks are kept horizontally and do not hang them. In this way, there will be even heating of the socks and so it will dry fast.

After 30 minutes, turn them over to the other side. Time taken to dry the socks through the radiator method is 40-50 minutes.

2. Towel roll method

Take a big towel and spread it. Now, place the socks on the top and roll them tightly in the towel. Put the towel roll on the ground and stand on top of it for 1 minute. Then, rotate the towel and again stand on it for 1 minute so that a lot of weight is put on the edges.

Unroll the towel and you will find that the socks are much drier. If socks are still damp, you can repeat the procedure 2-3 times more. The total time taken to dry socks by this method is 6-9 minutes.

3. Iron method

In this method, put the iron on high heat. Then take a thin towel to cover the socks and press it with a hot iron 6-7 times. Turn the socks over and again iron them. Check if the socks are dry and if you feel they are still damp, repeat the steps 1-3 times. This method will dry the socks in 3-12 minutes.

4. Blow-dry method

In this method, a blow dryer is used and it is set at maximum temperature. Now, take a sock and place it over the air outlet of the blow-dryer and hold it for 5-10 seconds. Repeat the process with the other sock. If required, repeat the drying of both the socks alternately for another round. The blow-dry method will dry the socks in 10-15 minutes.

Do wet socks make you sick?

Wet socks do not make you sick but can act as a contributing factor that leads to the development of an illness. Wearing wet socks makes the feet wet and it is advised to change the socks as soon as possible. 

It is needless to say that colds and flu are caused by a virus after entering the nose. Many people have cold-causing bugs already in the nose and if the temperature of the feet is low, a change occurs in the entire body due to which the nose becomes cold too. This will aggravate the situation and the chances of contracting the common cold increase.

Due to wet socks, the feet become cold and the blood vessels in the body get constricted including those of the nose. White blood cells present in the blood are responsible for fighting the infection in the body. When the feet are cold, the blood vessels of the nose constrict and fewer white blood cells will be available to fight the infection.

Therefore, it can be said that wearing wet socks will not cause you to contract infections but chances of getting a cold or flu increase.

How to dry socks fast without a dryer?

I recently found that one should learn the art of drying socks without a dryer. You may require it at any point in time as sometimes you need to have the dry socks urgently but there is no dryer.

In such a case, the below-mentioned methods can be quite helpful for you:

  1. Towel roll
  2. Radiator method
  3. Iron method
  4. Blow dryer

All these methods are already mentioned in detail in this post above. You can refer to them and select the best suitable method for yourself.

It might be the case that things required in one of these methods may not be available to you at that moment, but then the other method can be a savior for you.

Can you microwave foot warmer socks?

Yes, you can microwave foot warmer socks. These socks are good for winters which can keep your feet warm for a long period, like for hours. These do not have connecting cords and you need to microwave them to warm them. In this way, they get ready in just 60 seconds.

It should be noted that not all foot warmer socks can be microwaved. You can microwave only those which are specified for doing so.

Microwavable foot warmer socks are one accessory you should have in your closet for every winter. When the foot warmer socks are microwaved, you get the ultra-toasty socks immediately that are perfect for a chilly office, lounging at home, or for cold car rides for work.

Is it safe to microwave slipper socks?

Slipper socks are footwear that is made up of thick socks that feature soles and are used indoors. These are mainly made up either of wool, acrylic, microfiber, polyester, or chenille.

Yes, it is safe to microwave slipper socks if they are specified for that. There are many microwavable slipper socks available in the market and you can select one to keep your feet warm in cold winters.

To microwave slipper socks, follow the steps:

  1. Place the socks on a sheet of paper towel.
  2. Run the microwave on high for 90 seconds.
  3. Remove the socks and wear them.

This will keep your feet toasty for about 45 minutes.


Hope the information given is sufficient to know the ways in which socks can be dried and if the microwave can be used or not. It would be correct to say that socks can be dried in the microwave but actually, it is not a correct practice and they do not get dried completely in it.

Only cotton socks should be dried in the microwave if required as all other varieties get either loosened or damaged if kept inside the microwave.