How to Melt Candle Wax in Microwave?

Candle making is a fun hobby for me which makes me feel relaxed and I hope this is the same for those who love to do creative things. Even beginners can do it comfortably with the correct instructions. The first thing to do in making a candle at home is to melt it and yes, you can do it in an easy way in a microwave.

Following is the process to melt candle wax in the microwave in a simple way:

1. Collect things required

  • A microwave-safe container
  • Wax to be used
  • A stirring utensil

2. Put wax in the container

Take the microwave-safe container and put the correct amount of wax in it. Place it inside the microwave

3. Heat the wax

Run the microwave on high for 3 minutes.

4. Stir

Take the container out of the appliance and give it a good stir. Put it back in the microwave.

5. Add colors to the wax

If you need to add colors to the wax, you need to do it at this stage.

6. Heat it again

Run the microwave for another 2 minutes.

7. Stir

Stir the wax again thoroughly. If the wax is not liquid yet, place the wax in the microwave again and heat it for another 30 seconds.

8. Do not overheat the wax

You should not overheat the wax. Wax must be heated around 115 degrees to 125 degrees Fahrenheit.

9. Take the wax out

Liquid wax is very hot and while taking it out, you should be very careful.

After getting heated, candle wax changes from opaque to translucent. At this time, pour the liquid candle wax into the vessel, set the wick in the center, and do not touch the bottom.

how to melt candle wax in microwave

The wax again becomes opaque when it starts to harden. At this point, add the essential oils or fragrance oils. When the fragrance is added right before the candle begins to harden helps in keeping the fragrance stronger for longer.

Can you melt candle wax in a microwave?

Yes, you can melt candle wax in a microwave in an easy and simple way. It can be done in almost no time.

However, this is considered a little dangerous, and is recommended to use another method to melt candle wax if possible. Many people have noted that while melting candle wax in a microwave, it is easy to hurt yourself or can cause a fire if the process is left unattended.

In most microwaves, approximately 4-5 minutes is enough to melt wax but it cannot be accurate all the time. You need to observe it continuously and stir in between so that the wax does not get overheated.

Another danger with microwave is getting burned by the hot melted wax. The wax after melting gets super-hot and the container in which it is melted also gets very hot. You can get burnt while taking the container out of the microwave.

While doing so, you should take extreme precautions. The container used to melt the wax should be microwave safe so that it does not get ruined or melted due to the heat of the melted candle wax.

At what temperature does candle wax melt?

The temperature at which candle wax melts depends on the wax used. There are different types of wax available with a different melting points.

The below table indicates types of wax and the temperature at which they melt:

Type Of Wax Temperature At Which It Melts (Melting Point)
Soy Wax 120 to 180 Fahrenheit
Coconut Wax 75 to 100 Fahrenheit
Paraffin Wax 122 to 158 Fahrenheit
Beeswax 143 to 151 Fahrenheit
Rapeseed Wax 125 to 136 Fahrenheit

Soy wax is the most popular wax used for candle making at home. Since it is affordable and has a natural appeal, it is the first choice for beginners. Coconut wax is a blended wax with 100% natural soy wax with some coconut oil. This makes a natural and sustainable wax for candles.

Being one of the best hot throws of all waxes, paraffin wax is good to work with. It holds strong colors well and these do not get faded. Beeswax is hard wax with a high melting point. It is a by-product of the honey-making process and is found in beehives. It is completely natural.

Rapeseed wax is plant-based wax and is the best option for those who want to buy all-natural ingredients.

How to melt candle wax on stove?

You can melt candles on the stove by using a double boiler. It takes more time as compared to the microwave but is a safe method.

To melt the candle wax on the stove, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  1. Take a large saucepan on the stove and fill it half with water. Heat the water.
  2. Put the wax to be melted in a smaller saucepan or a pouring pitcher and place it in the large saucepan.
  3. Heat the saucepan at medium-low temperature until the wax is melted completely.
  4. Monitor the temperature of the wax by using a thermometer.
  5. Add color when the wax is melted thoroughly.
  6. To add fragrance, remove the wax from the heat and stir it gently and then add the fragrance. The wax must be heated to 185 degrees Fahrenheit before adding fragrance.

Be careful not to leave the double boiler unattended. The pan in which wax is melted should not be used to prepare food. It should be kept separately and can be used to prepare candles whenever required.

How to melt candle wax without a double boiler?

A microwave can be used to melt candle wax without a double boiler. It can be done easily within 5-7 minutes and is hassle-free as well.

As mentioned above, a double-boiler is the best and safest method to melt candle wax but if you do not want to do it, you can very well use a microwave. To melt candle wax without a double boiler in a microwave, all you need is a microwave, a container that is safe to use in a microwave, wax, and a stirring utensil.

The detailed method to do so is already mentioned in this post above. You can refer to it. It is quite easy and simple to melt candle wax in a microwave but you should take proper precautions to do so.

Melted candle wax is very hot and therefore while taking it out from the microwave, you should be extra careful to prevent yourself from getting burnt. Also, ensure that the wax is not overheated as this can ruin the texture of the wax.

Can you melt soy candle wax in a microwave?

Yes, you can melt soy candle wax in a microwave however, you need to take certain precautions while doing so.

Soy wax is one of the most common waxes used in candle making and is composed of soybean oil along with other materials.

As long as you follow all the precautions, it is perfectly safe to melt soy wax in the microwave:

  • Soy wax should be heated in a microwave-safe container only. Glass is a good option for this but ensures it can withstand microwave heating. The container you use for pouring hot melted wax should also be able to tolerate the heat.
  • Always microwave the wax for a short time to avoid overheating. Keep a continuous eye during this process.
  • The soy wax used should be safe to melt in the microwave. For this, you should see the microwave-safe label on the package of the wax.


Candle making at home is always fun in which you can add your own creativity by filling them with vibrant colors, shape them according to your choice, and add fragrances as you wish.

Once you select the wax for candle making, the next important thing is to melt it and the microwave is a perfect choice for many of us.

However, you should take proper precautions while melting candle wax in a microwave. Once it is done perfectly, you will get a perfect colored and fragrant colored candle in no time. Hope this article is useful and helpful to you in making homemade candles.